Tuesday, March 8, 2011


As of today, I have decided that I won't force myself to write here daily. I used to make myself put something up here everyday, but I've come up with a few good reasons to stop that.

First of all, I don't really have the time to do this every day anymore. This week I have to write out clarinet and piano parts by hand, which has already taken a solid four hours out of today and yesterday, and I'm only two or three pages in. On top of that, I have other composition homework, and studying for aural skills, and theory homework, and after all of that mess, I have to study for my lessons and barrier stuff.

Holy crap, I haven't played any of my barrier stuff yet.

I've been a big disappointment in my lesson the past couple of weeks, and I'd hate to make that a habit. Not to mention all of the work I have to do on that silly percussion ensemble piece, which will probably keep me from sleeping at least once this week.

Second of all, and I know this sounds pretty bad at a music school, but some days I don't really learn anything. Some days in my classes we ask questions we have about projects, or run over material we've already worked on, or take tests; heck, some days I don't even learn anything new in my lectures. Today was one of those days.

Today I took half of my aural skills midterm, practiced for an hour, ran through stuff in my ensembles, didn't do very well in my lesson, ate lunch at 3 and started on my homework that I put off over the weekend, and ate dinner with some birthday money at Mr. Chopsticks.

That was probably the last time you'll be hearing about my day, which brings me to number three:

As much as I wanted this blog to be strictly for musical purposes, I've realized that I created this blog as a   way of communication to the people I care about. Even though I'm not really a talkative person, I still care about people, and I'm pretty sure at least my parents care about me. So I wrote on here in hopes that I could talk to my parents and keep from getting homesick without calling them all the time.

But I'm done with that. I have people I can talk to if I want to talk about how my day went, and this should definitely be a place for interesting musical facts instead of chatter about the details of my day to day life. I would feel less bad about taking people's time if they were reading things that could actually be useful, instead of keeping people from living their lives by taking the time to read about mine.

There is a lot of filler and junk to sift through on the internet, but I promise you, from now on, that you want have to sift through anything I publish to find something awesome.


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