Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12 - And now for something completely different...

So yesterday was Columbus Day. We'll blame that on why I didn't write yesterday.

But, don't tell anyone, I really just forgot.

I'm the kind of person that can't do something forever. I figured this out yesterday when I was talking to my asian friend Hillary, who is totally in love with her boyfriend. She loves the word always, and how much it means without sounding clingy or aggressive. She could settle down and be a set person for the rest of her life. And I don't think I could do that.

No matter what job I end up with or who I end up with or where I am, even if I was in a perfect situation, if my perfect situation forced me to stay in that perfect situation, I couldn't take it. I have to keep moving, that's just who I am.

I'm sorry Hillary. I really am.

So today I took a break from all of the normally musical things I do on Tuesdays. Instead of learning about piano sonatas of Schubert and Schumann (I still listened to them), I drew a pretty picture. And it took some artistic ability. And it means something. And it was pretty difficult, cuz I haven't really drawn in a long time. But it's pretty good, and I didn't think I could draw that well. But I guess I can.

So after doing nothing in theory (again, ugh) and eating lunch, I took a crazy nap instead of practicing. I feel great, and I still have time to practice tonight. And after my nap I rode my bike down to the square and window shopped, and I didn't spend any money, which is certainly unusual.

And I go to tango every Tuesday at five, perhaps to impress Zoe when she gets home, perhaps to get a little workout, perhaps to take a break from my crazy life. But it's a lot of fun and we're getting into the crazy stuff now so it looks pretty legit.

Today I focused on the part of me that doesn't show much now that I'm a music student. Just because I'm a musician doesn't mean all of my creativity flows into playing, I can still kinda draw and I'm learning to dance. So tomorrow, try something you haven't done in a while. Be something you enjoyed being but haven't been for a while. Learn something new about yourself, discover a hidden talent. There's a lot of talent in everyone, some people keep finding more everyday and I wonder where they keep it.

Have a good Wednesday.


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